Main Avenue Financial Services is a Registered Investment Advisor (RIA) Firm regulated by the State of Oregon Division of Finance and Corporate Securities (DFCS). Verify MAFS’ status as an RIA Firm by entering Main Avenue Financial Services.

The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) explains financial industry designations in detail. Search and learn more about an advisor’s designation.

Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards verifies CFP® professionals. Verify Andrew D. Jamison’s CFP designation.

Upon your request, conduct transactions in your TD Ameritrade Institutional account to allocate your investments according to your Investment Guidelines Statement (IGS)

Request a check be sent directly to you or a transfer be made to a like-named account. No funds can be withdrawn or transferred using any but your name

Deduct management and investment advisory fees per our Wealth Management  Advisory Agreement from your TD Ameritrade Institutional accounts and from your Morningstar Investment Services portfolio. Account debits in excess of the normal or usual investment advisory fees (noted in our Form ADV) are not allowed.

No. Your portfolio will be custodied at TD Ameritrade Institutional who has implemented safeguards to protect you and your financial assets.

For example:

Any money leaving your account will only be sent by the custodian directly to your address of record and in your name or to an existing bank account on record. Your address cannot be changed without your written consent including your signature verified by the respective client service team.

Any money in your account may only be transferred into an account with the exact same registration (with the exception of MAFS’ investment management and financial planning fees).

No, we absolutely do not guarantee returns. Rather, we work with clients on an ongoing basis to ensure your portfolios are allocated to help achieve your goals. We believe that your asset allocation primarily determines your long-term portfolio performance.

MAFS takes security very seriously, using security policies, physical security measures and security technology that are the best practices for financial firms. While no guarantees can be made, we have consulted with leading computer and physical security experts to effectively secure our current environment. Further, we continually update our practices as new threats emerge.

Absolutely! Reach out to our office and we will explain the process that we use to satisfy reference requests. Per our Privacy Policy, we can't give out client information however we can ask them to contact you.

Absolutely not. MAFS does not take possession of cash or securities in any form. Rather, we help our clients work directly with the appropriate custodian when making deposits.

Both firms are members of the Securities Investor Protection Corporation (SIPC), which DOES NOT protect your principal from market fluctuations or volatility. However, this insurance does protect you if your custodian goes out of business.

MAFS’ fees are a great value for the service provided and are very competitive with other fee-only financial advisors in Beaverton, Portland and the Pacific Northwest in general. We will gladly provide an apples-to-apples fee comparison to another advisor’s current or proposed fees. Our fees are simple to understand, reasonable and never hidden or buried as with commission or fee-only brokers or advisors.

No, MAFS does not require a minimum asset size.

Yes. As part of the financial and investment planning process, we help ensure that your investment assets—through work and separately held—work in agreement.


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